Wednesday, June 22, 2011

this is a new artwork post... o.o

ok sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been super swamped with work, and by super swamped I mean SUPER swamped, but I have somehow managed to find some extra time tonight to post some new artwork so yippee :)

almost there
pretty much drew this from a dream 
I like it.  

Already Gone
taken from Kelly Clarkson's song :)
just what I was feeling the afternoon I drew this
Inspired by Taylor Swift's song Last Kiss

Zac and Chuck :)

 dream character dude again






 Iggy from the Max Ride series, honestly my favorite
fictional character ever. Plus I love the name. Iggy. Iggy.
Iggy. Iggy. Iggy. Iggy. Iggy. Iggy.
I love Iggy.
Jace Clary and Simon










  1. Your really good! I accidentally came across your drawings when I typed in "Will Herondale" into google images. I wanted to draw him, but the images in my head were a little fuzzy, so i was trying to get an idea of how I should draw him. However I didn't have any luck. None of the pics I found resembled how I had imagined him, but then I saw yours, and I was just so amazing! I had to see more :) (oh, and Maximum Ride, the Infernal devices, and the Mortal Instruments are my absolute FAVORITE series! My best friend says that Iggy is her favorite fictional character out of every book she's ever read, and that he's her fictional bf. I love him too. I mean how could anyone not love him? He HILARIOUS and just plain awesome)

    Lex :D

  2. Hi, I'm Roxy. I first heard about you on the CassJayTuck YouTube account, and I thought you were awsome
